James Marsden Boy, if Garth Ennis had created a religion, I would sure like to be a part of that. It just makes sense, the way he tackles things in it. It’s really heavy stuff and it’s incredibly well written. – James Marsden Boy Quotes Created Quotes Ennis Quotes Garth Quotes Heavy Quotes Incredibly Quotes Religion Quotes Sense Quotes Stuff Quotes Tackles Quotes Written Quotes Every time I read a script, I see the movie in my head, and I try to see the best movie in my head because everybody interprets the movie differently. Women pay attention to how men drive because it’s a good indicator of what kind of character you have. They want someone who’s going to be intelligent and cautious and assertive and confident when you need to be, but not overly aggressive and reckless, and also not timid and overly paranoid.
Ed Asner I got some news for you. One, there is no Jesus. Two, there is no God. Three, mind your own business and everything works out. – Ed Asner
Hannah Teter Young Living Peace & Calming Essential Oil is one of my favorite oil blends. I have many of them but choose this one for my neck and wrists most often. – Hannah Teter
Georges Bataille The essence of morality is a questioning about morality; and the decisive move of human life is to use ceaselessly all light to look for the origin of the opposition between good and evil. – Georges Bataille
Ram Kapoor Before my marriage, I was really wild, and I was very open about it. My wife knows about it. From the age of 19 to 30, I was this mad, wild person. I just wanted to have a good time, not get serious with anyone. I didn’t allow relationships to happen, and I made it clear to whoever I was with. – Ram Kapoor
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