Jim Breuer Brian Johnson is the reason I became a Bon Scott fan. – Jim Breuer Bon Quotes Brian Quotes Fan Quotes Johnson Quotes Reason Quotes Scott Quotes There’s a confusion of what I do. Are you the rock guy? Are you the family guy? Who are you? I’m the people’s entertainer. There’s a lot of dynamics that can really break a human down.
Skeet Ulrich What’s the classical moment that every actor or actress deals with? A tragic thing. They get that blank, faraway look in their eyes. But in life, it’s not that way. – Skeet Ulrich
LegalLouie Gohmert Every time anybody in Washington talks about legal status, amnesty, anything of that nature, it becomes a magnet that lures people in quickly into the United States. – Louie Gohmert
Herman CainHope It’s time to get real, folks. Hope and change ain’t working. Hope and change is not a solution. Hope and change is not a job. – Herman Cain
Melanie Fiona When you’re with your family you’re with them and when you’re working you’re doing that. I definitely try to separate the time when I’m working and when I have my personal time. – Melanie Fiona
Bennie Thompson Even President Bush has cited the need to outlaw the practice of corporations making loans to their officers. Strangely enough, when the President was a corporate officer, he took out several loans from the company. – Bennie Thompson
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