Billy Squier British rock & roll became the gospel for American kids like me. – Billy Squier American Quotes British Quotes Gospel Quotes Kids Quotes Rock Quotes Roll Quotes Becoming a Top Ten artist has surprised me. There’s this raw, basic quality people expect in my music.
Ainsley Harriott Bread’s so important for me, it makes such a difference. I like it with a lovely bit of cheese on it, sometimes just with butter, or with some fresh soup. – Ainsley Harriott
Laurent Baheux We need to recover our true nature by relocating ourselves on this planet, being respectful of our environment, and living in harmony with other species – like a big family. – Laurent Baheux
E B White It is easier for a man to be loyal to his club than to his planet; the bylaws are shorter, and he is personally acquainted with the other members. – E B White
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