Sydney Pollack Burt Lancaster was largely responsible for me becoming a director. – Sydney Pollack Burt Quotes Director Quotes Lancaster Quotes Responsible Quotes I’m not going to pretend to know one more thing than I know. People ask me over and over how is it that I work with stars. How do you work with Barbra Streisand, with Paul Newman, with Al Pacino, with Sally Field, Jane Fonda, you work with all these people. Isn’t this a problem? And it isn’t a problem at all. It’s terrific. It’s great fun. And I don’t know what the answer is.
Oren Etzioni It’s paradoxical that things that are hard for people are easy for the computer, and things that are hard for the computer, any child can understand. – Oren Etzioni
Eddy Merckx I always thought Mario Cipollini was difficult to beat but I think Cipollini would have found it very hard against Cavendish. – Eddy Merckx
Melissa Rosenberg I remember when I was a dancer and I had to do this performance and I was really nervous about it, and I happened at that moment to go see ‘Flashdance.’ I mean, it’s silly, but I walked out of that movie going ‘what a feeling!’ I walked out with confidence. – Melissa Rosenberg
Ernestine Rose In the laws of the land, she has no rights; in government she has no voice. And in spite of another principle recognized in this Republic, namely, that ‘taxation without representation is tyranny,’ she is taxed without being represented. – Ernestine Rose
Sugar Ray Leonard Before the start of the ’76 Olympics, I’d had 160 amateur fights. I won 155 and lost five. – Sugar Ray Leonard
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