Philip Gibbs But do you know, I shall not be sorry to die. I shall be glad, Monsieur. And why glad, you ask? Because I love France and hate the Germans who have put this war on us. – Philip Gibbs Die Quotes France Quotes Germans Quotes Glad Quotes Hate Quotes Love Quotes Monsieur Quotes War Quotes All was well, until I reached the port of Havre. Three officers with the rank of lieutenant, whom afterwards I knew to be Scotland Yard men, came aboard and demanded to see my papers which they took away from me. But the worst handicap we had the prohibition of naming individual units who had done the fighting.
Jae Crowder The most important part for me is mentally. Physically, I know I’m going to put the work in. That’s not even a question. But mentally you may have some days where it’s tougher. – Jae Crowder
AgeTimothy Leary In the information age, you don’t teach philosophy as they did after feudalism. You perform it. If Aristotle were alive today he’d have a talk show. – Timothy Leary
Jacques Audiard I really believe the form of the film must be in the scenario; cinema is not just added value to the scripting. I believe in it as a totality. – Jacques Audiard
Caitlin Moran I wrote my first book at eight, all of four pages. At 10, I did a 40-page story. At 12, I wrote two stage plays. – Caitlin Moran
Pardis Sabeti So much of the physical world has been explored. But the deluge of data I get to investigate really lets me chart new territory. Genetic data from people living today forms an archaeological record of what happened to their ancestors 10,000 years ago. – Pardis Sabeti
Drew Pinsky Here’s the acid test for appropriateness: Pretend that someone near and dear to you is witnessing what you are writing or sending, or knows what you are thinking about sending. If, say, your partner saw this behavior, how would he or she feel? That you are asking yourself this question could mean that you shouldn’t be doing it! – Drew Pinsky
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