Jennifer Garner But I’ll never be one of those women who feel that they always have to wear earrings and aren’t properly dressed without them. – Jennifer Garner Dressed Quotes Earrings Quotes Feel Quotes Properly Quotes Wear Quotes Women Quotes I feel lucky, though, because even when ‘Alias’ was popular, I was still sent scripts against type. I’ve never felt like the world only sees me one way. But yes, it’s been really fun to be bad. There’s rarely a big hat. I think all those things are great, but I’m boring in that I just use sunscreen every day. I don’t mess around. I put it on first thing. I have it on now, and I’m sitting inside.
Marky Ramone When you’re in the band, in the van with them, there’s a lot more you know and can put pen to paper. I’ve never had any problem with my memory, and I did have these composition notebooks, like you use in school, that I wrote in. I have the largest collection of videos of the band, 400 8 and Hi8 videos. – Marky Ramone
BusinessFaithShawn MichaelsThankful That’s what I love about my faith and Christianity. It’s the polar opposite of darn near everything I experienced in the wrestling business. I still love the business, and I’m thankful for everything that it’s provided, but the idea that it deals in the truth is the furthest thing from reality. – Shawn Michaels
Eliza Scanlen And you sort of have this idea in your head about how you’re going to go about the audition, and as soon as you get there, all of those thoughts just kind of drop away and you realize you’re standing in front of Amy Adams, whom you’ve admired for years and years. That was the first time that I was ever really starstruck in my life. – Eliza Scanlen
Elijah Cummings Typically diagnosed during childhood and adolescent years, juvenile diabetes, also referred to as Type I diabetes, currently affects more than 3 million Americans and more then 13,000 children are diagnosed each year. – Elijah Cummings
Joshua Henry I think it’s nice when you come into the room and the director has a plan, a vision of exactly what he or she wants the piece to be. Because when that happens, then you feel safe. You feel safe to make choices and to do something big and just fly because there’s a structure around you. – Joshua Henry
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