Patricia Routledge But it would be churlish of me not to appreciate what it’s brought me. If a good number of people come into a theatre because they know me from the dreaded ‘Mrs B’, I couldn’t be happier. – Patricia Routledge Brought Quotes Churlish Quotes Dreaded Quotes Happier Quotes People Quotes Theatre Quotes I had a voice – I had an instrument – I loved singing and I had an inspired singing teacher, Miss Sleigh. I went to her every Saturday, and I now possess the upright Steinway piano beside which I used to stand in fear and trembling if I hadn’t done my breathing exercises. There’s a fashion abroad generally to speak the language as badly as possible. I’m of a mind to start a society for the reinstatement of the letter ‘t’ and the banishment of the glottal stop.
Otis Williams The Temptations still stand today, not in spite of those who left us, but because of them. – Otis Williams
Marjorie Liu Take ‘Ex Machina.’ Everyone said it was one of the great feminist works of science fiction. But what I found disappointing is that everything about the main female character is defined by men. – Marjorie Liu
EqualityiO Tillett Wright Along with racial equality and the late bloom of women’s rights, future generations will have to explain how, in the past, gays were misunderstood and publicly humiliated for loving each other, and, eventually, how they stood together and conquered stupidity and hypocritical hatred, and fought their way out of marginalization. – iO Tillett Wright
Edward Walker To me, lighting really sets the mood for a room. A 40 watt bulb in a cheap lamp is the same as a 40 watt bulb in an expensive one. – Edward Walker
Howard Staunton For playing a man to a square to which it cannot be legally moved, the adversary, at his option, may require him to move the man legally, or to move the King. – Howard Staunton
Mark Ruffalo But, the relationships that I see work – As long as they’re telling the truth, and saying the things that you don’t ever want to have to say to another human being. – Mark Ruffalo
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