John Gay But money, wife, is the true Fuller’s Earth for reputations, there is not a spot or a stain but what it can take out. – John Gay Earth Quotes Fullers Quotes Money Quotes Reputations Quotes Spot Quotes Stain Quotes TRUE Quotes Wife Quotes An open foe may prove a curse, but a pretended friend is worse. On the choice of friends, Our good or evil name depends.
Jennifer Morrison In life, there are those relationships where you really love someone, but they’re just not right for you and there’s a little bittersweet feel to it. – Jennifer Morrison
Seth When I started out in the eighties, the idea of creating serious comics for adults was pretty laughable to most folks, and for the longest time it was hard to even explain what alternative comics or graphic novels were. Nobody seemed to understand or care. Not so, any longer. – Seth
Ben Harney I reached a point where – I have a real heart and concern for families and for youth, and the more I became involved in working through a ministry, the more I realized how powerful the entertainment industry was and how irresponsible it was. – Ben Harney
Randy Pausch Anyone who knows me well will tell you that arrogance is one of my flaws. – Randy Pausch
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