Meghan O'Rourke But there is a discomfort that surrounds grief. It makes even the most well-intentioned people unsure of what to say. And so many of the freshly bereaved end up feeling even more alone. – Meghan O’Rourke Bereaved Quotes Discomfort Quotes Feeling Quotes Freshly Quotes Grief Quotes People Quotes Surrounds Quotes Unsure Quotes Wellintentioned Quotes One word I had throughout the first year and a half of my mother’s death was ‘unmoored.’ I felt that I had no anchor, that I had no home in the world. Writing has always been the primary way I make sense of the world.
Arsenio Hall My father was a no-nonsense, dedicated, and focused minister, and there was usually a sermon he needed to prepare for or a Scripture he needed to study, and that always came first. – Arsenio Hall
Lady Gaga There is something in the way that we are now, with our cell phones, and people are not looking at each other and not being in the moment with each other, that kids feel isolated. – Lady Gaga
Judith Miller The 19th-century Continental porcelain plaques that are worth the most money are the pretty ones. – Judith Miller
Steve Gleason Does anyone know if Lamborghini makes wheelchair vehicles? If not, I want to change that. – Steve Gleason
David Walliams Reality always outstrips fiction. Whatever you make up, something more incredible always pops up in real life. – David Walliams
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