Jeanne Tripplehorn But we’re all so different, we’re different ages; we’re not vying for the same roles. There’s no competition, there’s really kind of a sisterhood, on and off the set, you know? – Jeanne Tripplehorn Ages Quotes Competition Quotes Roles Quotes Set Quotes Sisterhood Quotes Vying Quotes The government doesn’t really prosecute for polygamy anymore, but a lot of the arrests are of groups supporting themselves through welfare scams or for child abuse. So that was all I’d really heard about polygamists. You hear about these shows where there are all these women are supposedly always in a catfight, and then you find out in reality that they’re all getting along fine.
Christopher Reeve I learned years ago to come to terms with having so much done for me by others. – Christopher Reeve
Alfred Lord TennysonWork No man ever got very high by pulling other people down. The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors. The sensible worker does not knock those who work with him. Don’t knock your friends. Don’t knock your enemies. Don’t knock yourself. – Alfred Lord Tennyson
Arne Duncan I worry when athletes are simply used by their universities to produce revenue, to make money for them, nothing to show at the back end. I grew up with a lot of players who had very, very tough lives after the ball started bouncing for them. And that’s why I’m going to continue to fight. – Arne Duncan
Emmanuel MacronPolitics When politics is no longer a mission but a profession, politicians become more self-serving than public servants. – Emmanuel Macron
MenReligionRonald Reagan Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face. – Ronald Reagan
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