Marvin Minsky By the way, it was his simulations that helped out in Jurassic Park – without them, there would have been only a few dinosaurs. Based on his techniques, Industrial Light and Magic could make whole herds of dinosaurs race across the screen. – Marvin Minsky Based Quotes Dinosaurs Quotes Helped Quotes Herds Quotes Industrial Quotes Jurassic Quotes Light Quotes Magic Quotes Park Quotes Race Quotes Screen Quotes Simulations Quotes Techniques Quotes Around 1967 Dan Bobrow wrote a program to do algebra problems based on symbols rather than numbers. I heard that the same thing occurred in a scene in Alien, where the creature pops out of the chest of a crewman. The other actors didn’t know what was to happen; the director wanted to get true surprise.
Megan Anderson At the end of the day, there’s only so much that our team focuses on an individual opponent. Like, you don’t want to play their game, you don’t want to wait until they do something specific for you to be able to counter or attack. What if they don’t use that certain combination or whatever it is in the fight? – Megan Anderson
Daniel Ricciardo I try to send out a good message – I sometimes get asked for advice for leaving home and trying to ‘make it’ overseas. I would always say think long term, and think bigger picture: make the sacrifice. – Daniel Ricciardo
Bhumika Chawla When I started my career in the early 2000s you didn’t have to be seen everywhere, every time. – Bhumika Chawla
Brian J Smith Gosh, for me, when I was 15 or 16 years old, I was just starting to understand ideas and film and things like that. And then, you go see a movie like ‘The Matrix’ that absolutely blows your mind. It’s not just trying to entertain you, but it’s also trying to explore something about human nature and ask some really deep questions. – Brian J Smith
BeautyCharles Baudelaire Whether you come from heaven or hell, what does it matter, O Beauty! – Charles Baudelaire
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