Russell Smith Canadian writers don’t live in gated mansions; you can just talk to them when you see them lining up at the Second Cup. – Russell Smith Canadian Quotes Cup Quotes Gated Quotes Lining Quotes Live Quotes Mansions Quotes Talk Quotes Writers Quotes Frosh-week songs are meant to be offensive because offensive is rebellious. Guys think that the military associations of camo are going to make them look tough, as if they might just break out a shotgun and take down a passing duck at any given moment. I’m not so sure.
Reham Khan In the Pakistani entertainment industry it’s very, very difficult to get your foot in the door if you don’t have a network in Karachi or Lahore or in the film circle. – Reham Khan
Evan Osnos The only real mystery in the stories of political plagiarism is its durability in an age of Turnitin and other scanning software that can protect an author from his own mistakes, intentional or otherwise. – Evan Osnos
Frankie Ballard I’ve always been a band guy. That’s my wheelhouse. That’s what I do. – Frankie Ballard
GoodWinston Churchill It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations. – Winston Churchill
Matt Berninger Usually, writing lyrics for me is like bleeding drop by drop from the forehead. – Matt Berninger
Jami Attenberg Sadly, e-mail has triggered the decline of the handwritten note; I have seen its near-disappearance in my lifetime. – Jami Attenberg
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