Carlos Ghosn Cars have a large engine in the front and you have a gearbox, which is cumbersome. Electric cars don’t have this problem. The motor is much smaller, the battery is below you. This will allow you to play with different shapes. – Carlos Ghosn Battery Quotes Cars Quotes Cumbersome Quotes Electric Quotes Engine Quotes Gearbox Quotes Motor Quotes Play Quotes Shapes Quotes Every single time you make a merger, somebody is losing his identity. And saying something different is just rubbish. Incentives are not strategy, they are tactics. Defensive measures.
Prodigy You can never go back to a time and try to recreate that sound, because that time is done. – Prodigy
Patricia Marx I think I began to like writing a lot more, and to be a better writer, when I did it for a while alone. It made me a little more confident about my style. – Patricia Marx
Elizabeth Jagger People tell me that I should eat more, but they don’t know me: I eat a lot. It’s pretty unpleasant that people assume every model is anorexic and bulimic. – Elizabeth Jagger
Leonid Hurwicz When you talk about the economic process of a society, sometimes we separate it into two stories. One is about monetary variables. But then, we very often assume the underlying arrangement, the other variable, is ‘perfect competition,’ which means people do whatever they are supposed to do. – Leonid Hurwicz
Denise Morrison Through the Internet of things, ‘connected kitchens’ will alert consumers if they’re running low on broth and when their salad dressing needs to be replenished. – Denise Morrison
Mae Jemison For me, it was really a childhood dream coming true. It’s sort of where the fantasy led reality, and then I got to be on the Starship Enterprise anyway. And the cool thing was – is I was the only person on this bridge who had actually been in space. – Mae Jemison
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