Michelangelo Carving is easy, you just go down to the skin and stop. – Michelangelo Carving Quotes Easy Quotes Skin Quotes Even if you are divine, you don’t disdain male consorts. The more the marbles wastes, the more the statue grows.
Robert Kubica I drive like my body and my limitations leave me to do it. After my accident, I discovered that to do a roundabout in the road car, you don’t have to grab the steering wheel, you can use friction to turn. – Robert Kubica
John Pearson Love is of that excellent nature, that it is esteemed by the best of men, and accepted from the meanest persons; what then is the affection of a Father! – John Pearson
Gautam Rode The love and unwavering support I get from my admirers is the biggest compliment. – Gautam Rode
Tadashi Shoji Using a forecasting company is like going to a fortune-teller. If you believe the company and the color does not sell, who do you blame? The forecasters? No, you blame yourself. – Tadashi Shoji
Heart Evangelista My maternal great-grandfather Don Juan del Gallego was a Spanish adventurer from Asturias, Spain. He sailed on a galleon ship to the Philippines. He then went to the Bicol region to build a town that eventually became known as Del Gallego. – Heart Evangelista
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