Holly Robinson Peete As a mom, you worry about protecting your kid. But there are extra added layers of fears when you’re talking about a kid with autism or who has some special needs issue. – Holly Robinson Peete
Holly Robinson Peete I’m a football fan in general. I’m always pulling for a good game. – Holly Robinson Peete
Holly Robinson Peete I loved football even before I married a quarterback; it’s not for every woman, but I like it. – Holly Robinson Peete
Holly Robinson Peete Being a typical teenager isn’t easy. When you have autism, it can be extra difficult. We need more public awareness about these hurdles as well as compassion towards these young people. – Holly Robinson Peete
EnvironmentalHolly Robinson Peete I’m not a doctor or scientist. I’m just a mom. But I do think there’s a genetic predisposition, and there are environmental triggers. I feel like that combination, in my child’s case, is what resulted in autism. – Holly Robinson Peete