Kelly Sue DeConnick I feel like I have a kind of mirror blindness where it’s hard for me to characterize or analyze my own work. I suspect I’m not unique in this regard. – Kelly Sue DeConnick
Kelly Sue DeConnick Marvel is run by some very smart people, and they seem to pride themselves on the fact that they don’t just find talent, they groom talent. – Kelly Sue DeConnick
Kelly Sue DeConnick The first gift my husband ever gave me was a pack of index cards. I’m pretty sure the second was a ‘Powers’ scriptbook. This was well before either of us worked for Marvel. – Kelly Sue DeConnick
Kelly Sue DeConnick I used to write reviews for ‘Artbomb.’ Our policy was to only cover books we loved and recommended. – Kelly Sue DeConnick
Kelly Sue DeConnick Female Convict 701: Scorpion’ is based on a manga as is ‘Lady Snowblood.’ I saw ‘Lady Snowblood’ in the theater between writing issue three and issue four of the first arc of ‘Pretty Deadly,’ and I was really surprised how much I was influenced by it. – Kelly Sue DeConnick
Kelly Sue DeConnick One of the things I enjoyed when working in manga was when I couldn’t tell where anything was going because there weren’t narrative tropes and structures I was used to. After doing it for seven years, I got to the point where I did see structures. I did start to learn, but at first I didn’t know where it was going. It was very exciting for me. – Kelly Sue DeConnick
Kelly Sue DeConnick With ‘Pretty Deadly,’ I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a three-act structure in it. I don’t know – someone probably can. – Kelly Sue DeConnick
Kelly Sue DeConnick Part of a writer’s job is just spacing out, looking into the air and imagining things. – Kelly Sue DeConnick
Kelly Sue DeConnick I don’t think working in superheroes is slumming it. I’m proud of this form. I like this. There’s nothing inherently masculine about power fantasies. There’s nothing inherently masculine about superhero comics. There’s nothing inherently masculine about mythology. About science fiction. – Kelly Sue DeConnick
Kelly Sue DeConnick I kind of resent the suggestion that there would be something inherent about superheroes that wouldn’t be of interest to women. That makes me nuts. I’m a 5-foot tall woman with a quick temper who always looks like a child, so power fantasies are not strange to me. – Kelly Sue DeConnick
Kelly Sue DeConnick In a weird way, I think I’m much better at oneshots than longform. So I try to focus on five or six-issue arcs. I have a real fondness for the one-shots because that’s where I do my best storytelling. – Kelly Sue DeConnick
Kelly Sue DeConnick You don’t usually have to wait a month for a new episode of a TV show. We ask comic readers to wait a month for a new issue, and honestly, given the time that it takes to put them together, a month is really too fast. – Kelly Sue DeConnick