Potter StewartSociety Censorship reflects a society’s lack of confidence in itself. – Potter Stewart Censorship Quotes Confidence Quotes Lack Quotes Reflects Quotes Society Quotes Societys Quotes We are all murderers and prostitutes – no matter to what culture, society, class, nation one belongs, no matter how normal, moral, or mature, one takes oneself to be. Christianity and Judaism have gone through the process of enlightenment, making them creative and constructive elements in society.
Lisa Hanawalt I’d love to do a book with scratch n’ sniff pages and pieces of string and plastic attached to the pages, you know? – Lisa Hanawalt
Mort Sahl Comedians have to challenge the power. Comedians should be dangerous and devastating – and funny. That’s the hardest part. – Mort Sahl
Drake Bell My dad sat me in front of the TV, and instead of putting on Nick Jr. or something, he put me in front of ‘Jailhouse Rock’ and all the Elvis movies. – Drake Bell
Brock Pierce I played ‘Mortal Kombat’ competitively in arcades. Played for money at 10, hustling the 20-year-olds. Five bucks on whoever wins. Which, at 10 years old, is real money. – Brock Pierce
Jon Watts There was a time when I just loved ‘Indiana Jones’ so much. I was in fourth or fifth grade, and I wore a fedora like that one to school every day. It was so dumb. – Jon Watts
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