Ron Williams Championing quality improvement and value in the health care system is a passion of mine, and I’m able to bring about change through private equity activities. – Ron Williams Activities Quotes Bring Quotes Care Quotes Championing Quotes Change Quotes Equity Quotes Health Quotes Improvement Quotes Passion Quotes Private Quotes Quality Quotes What we need are different types of insurance, some of which have copays, some that have coinsurance, but they need to offer a better first layer of coverage. Much of a leader’s responsibility in creating a positive, high-performance culture is setting the right tone and acting on it consistently. That day-to-day execution – the tenor and tone – really makes the difference. One deviation – one exasperating meeting – and the CEO legitimizes bad behavior.
Rocky Carroll The guy who shows up on time, who has a good work ethic, network executives and producers know that. It’s a very small industry we work in. – Rocky Carroll
Evan Davis Now I can broadcast to an audience of several million people on the ‘Today’ programme. I can talk about the day’s news. But on radio, believe it or not, we have notes and scripts. And while we might ad lib the odd wryly amusing asides, they come at the frequency of a suburban bus. About one every 90 minutes. – Evan Davis
Chris Van Allsburg Authors of books are not given very much control over the films that are made from their books. – Chris Van Allsburg
Lorde I am really into how words sound out loud, so I was always the kid who would, like, read the page of the book to herself in her room over and over and over. And Raymond Carver is great for that. Tobias Wolff is an author who is really good for that as well. – Lorde
CoolJoel Hodgson But if you think you aren’t creative that’s cool, too. I think being around people who aren’t creative is kind of refreshing and nice. – Joel Hodgson
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