Jacques Monod Chance alone is at the source of all novelty, all creation in the biosphere. – Jacques Monod Biosphere Quotes Chance Quotes Creation Quotes Novelty Quotes Source Quotes One of the great problems of philosophy is the relationship between the realm of knowledge and the realm of values. Knowledge is what is; values are what ought to be. What I have tried to show is that the scientific attitude implies what I call the postulate of objectivity – that is to say, the fundamental postulate that there is no plan, that there is no intention in the universe.
Chris de Burgh Being hydrated is a key thing for a singer, especially if you’re spending three hours on stage five nights a week, and wine dehydrates me faster than beer. – Chris de Burgh
Peter Bondra Our team has a lot of talent. I hope that soon we will break out with four or five goals and avoid overtime. – Peter Bondra
Joseph Mawle I didn’t do plays at school, because I didn’t have the confidence. At 14, I was at boarding school in Devon and I suffered from dyslexia quite badly, but they had a very good department there which specialised in it. – Joseph Mawle
Gregory Isaacs Look at me as a man who performed works musically. Who uplift people who need upliftment, mentally, physically, economically – all forms. Who told the people to live with love ’cause only love can conquer war, and to understand themselves so that they can understand others. – Gregory Isaacs
Sunny Ozell There’s a kind of intimacy that can happen between musicians, and if they’re people you enjoy and respect as humans, that intimacy is a real privilege. – Sunny Ozell
Louise Nurding After having your first child, it’s a massive shock to the system. I work in an industry where people judge you and the way you look, and you always want to put your best foot forward when you can. – Louise Nurding
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