George Kell Changes your life, getting into the Hall of Fame. For the rest of my life, I’ll be known as Hall of Famer George Kell. – George Kell Fame Quotes Famer Quotes George Quotes Hall Quotes Kell Quotes Life Quotes Rest Quotes It was much more fun playing with him than against him. If you wanted one pitcher to start the seventh game of the World Series, which he did in 1945, you’d pick Hal Newhouser. I always could hit, but fielding I had to work at. I took as much pride in fielding as hitting. I became a complete ballplayer. I knew when to take the extra base. I knew about the outfielder hitting the cutoff man. I knew when and how to bunt. I knew when to hit-and-run.
DietMichael Bisping Omelettes, I’d say, are my secret weapon in terms of diet: I love them, they’re nice and easy to make, they’re very nutritious, and they’re low in carbs. – Michael Bisping
Fairfax Cone Advertising is what you do when you can’t go see somebody. That’s all it is. – Fairfax Cone
Steven Soderbergh All I care about is the story and telling the story. I don’t care how people ingest it. – Steven Soderbergh
Srikumar Rao Observe yourself as you go through a typical day. Stuff happens to you. As it does, you immediately judge it and label it. Dozens of times. Hundreds of times. So often that you no longer recognize that you’re doing it. It is a deep-seated habit. – Srikumar Rao
DeathSloane Crosley Are there moments when I see unrequited crushes or ex-boyfriends slow dancing with their dates and kind of want to stab myself in the spleen with a salad fork? Yeah, sure. – Sloane Crosley
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