Sheldon Lee Glashow Chemistry is good for fun – it’s like baseball. It has its role for small children, but I can’t see an adult being concerned with it. – Sheldon Lee Glashow Adult Quotes Baseball Quotes Chemistry Quotes Children Quotes Concerned Quotes Fun Quotes Role Quotes From 1958 to 1966, I was in exile. I just wandered around teaching, waiting for an offer from Harvard. Individual scientists cannot do much on their own. Heads of nations, corporates, and economic giants should recognise the criticality of it.
Riff Raff I’m not one of those rapper guys that spend nights in the studio. I hate being in the studio. – Riff Raff
Dan Levy I’d rather create something that gives people a very strong reaction than create a show that someone looks at and says, ‘Hmm. Fine.’ – Dan Levy
Gavin Williamson Education is not just about core subjects, although these are, of course, vitally important. It has to provide for different talents and aptitudes, and establish a launchpad for numerous different careers. – Gavin Williamson
Bob Barr The average American returning from a trip abroad likely – and understandably – assumes the contents of his or her electronic device does not come close to meeting the threshold of ‘criminal’ activity, such as would give a government agent the right to seize and peruse their iPad just because they are returning from a vacation. – Bob Barr
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