Alec Baldwin Cheney is a terrorist. He terrorizes our enemies abroad and innocent citizens here at home indiscriminately. – Alec Baldwin Cheney Quotes Citizens Quotes Enemies Quotes Indiscriminately Quotes Innocent Quotes Terrorist Quotes Terrorizes Quotes There’s less critical thinking going on in this country on a Main Street level – forget about the media – than ever before. We’ve never needed people to think more critically than now, and they’ve taken a big nap. I don’t want to be throwing the football on the front yard when I’m 75. I mean, I’m not opposed to men doing that. But I don’t think it’s gonna work for me.
Nita Strauss I always was a fan of Alice Cooper’s, but I got a new appreciation for his music playing in his band. It’s really amazing to see how his music transcends age. – Nita Strauss
Robert Bigelow The unprecedented success of the Falcon 9’s inaugural launch clearly demonstrates that it’s possible to dramatically reduce the cost of human spaceflight operations. – Robert Bigelow
Adam Scott I love working with friends; it’s my favorite thing to do. I’ve found over the years that that ends up being the best way to spend my time. – Adam Scott
Pico Iyer To me, part of the beauty of a comma is that it offers a rest, like one in music: a break that gives the whole piece of music greater shape, deeper harmony. It allows us to catch our breath. – Pico Iyer
Daniel Mallory OrtbergGraduation I attended an evangelical Christian university on the outskirts of suburban Los Angeles and by the time of my graduation was neither evangelical nor Christian. – Daniel Mallory Ortberg
Martin Naughton We recognised from the start that we couldn’t just stay in the U.K. and Ireland markets. We have always looked to the products of the future. I’ve always said, ‘If you don’t innovate, you’ll evaporate.’ – Martin Naughton
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