Paul DePodesta Circumstances change and you have to be proactive about changing with those circumstances. – Paul DePodesta Change Quotes Changing Quotes Circumstances Quotes Proactive Quotes That’s sort of my mindset, more than anything else, whenever I get into anything new. I’m in this constant pursuit for new knowledge. I think I sometimes focus more on all the things that I don’t know and what I’m trying to figure out.
Marla Maples I look back at old photographs and videotapes, and I go, Who was I trying to be? Who was I doing this for? – Marla Maples
Neill Blomkamp If something is as smart as you, do you treat it differently if it isn’t a human? – Neill Blomkamp
Booger McFarland I’m a small-town kid from Winnsboro, La., who grew up not really being comfortable talking to people. – Booger McFarland
Elizabeth Holmes The right to protect the health and well-being of every person, of those we love, is a basic human right. – Elizabeth Holmes
Rebecca De Mornay I grew up in Europe, and I used to like those very slow-moving European films. I’ve been contaminated by the American TV culture, and I just want things to move faster now. – Rebecca De Mornay
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