Hisham Matar Civil war is a national crisis and also a private trauma: We suffer it collectively and in isolation. – Hisham Matar Civil Quotes Collectively Quotes Crisis Quotes Isolation Quotes National Quotes Private Quotes Suffer Quotes Trauma Quotes War Quotes We need a father to rage against. My earliest memory of books is not of reading but of being read to. I spent hours listening, watching the face of the person reading aloud to me.
Geoff Stults I wasn’t a regular, avid ‘Bones’ fan, but I’d certainly seen it. I liked the banter; I liked the people and that world. – Geoff Stults
Mac DeMarco I’m just trying to have fun, and maybe the way I hold myself kind of freaks people out. I don’t feel like an outsider, and I think my friends feel the same way I do. Now that we’re playing to larger audiences, maybe we’re weird to some people. But I’m trying to express what I am. – Mac DeMarco
James Schuyler However, intention needn’t enter in, and if a reader sees things in a religious way, and the work is dogmatically acceptable, then I don’t see why it should not be interpreted in that way, as well as in others. – James Schuyler
Lyndon B Johnson The fact that a man is a newspaper reporter is evidence of some flaw of character. – Lyndon B Johnson
Amyra Dastur When dancing for mass numbers, you can throw your hands and legs anywhere, but contemporary dance is a whole different ball game. Every move has to be pointed, graceful and must look elegant. It’s not easy trust me, but is a lot of fun nevertheless. – Amyra Dastur
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