Dana Rohrabacher Clearly, children’s charities struggle to find private sources of money to sustain their benevolent programs. – Dana Rohrabacher Benevolent Quotes Charities Quotes Childrens Quotes Money Quotes Private Quotes Programs Quotes Sources Quotes Struggle Quotes Sustain Quotes In my district, the ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles handle approximately 44 percent of all of the goods delivered to American shores, yet they are in constant need of revenue for facilities, improvements and upgrades to roads and bridges and rails.
MenThomas Aquinas There is but one Church in which men find salvation, just as outside the ark of Noah it was not possible for anyone to be saved. – Thomas Aquinas
Allan Gurganus I think it’s a false distinction to say that conversation and composition are separate. Because even as we speak, I’m seeing. Every interview is different, and I’m finding new ways to talk about ancient preoccupations. And I sometimes come on something that’s immensely helpful and valuable. Plus I like the sensation of conversation. – Allan Gurganus
Brandon Flowers People misinterpret my emotions towards Nirvana because I’ve said things about how something happened with grunge that took a little bit of fun out of things. It’s no offense to Nirvana; they were one of the greats, obviously. But something died there, too, and we haven’t quite gotten the groove back. – Brandon Flowers
Amy Tan I am an American, steeped in American values. But I know on an emotional level what it means to be of the Chinese culture. – Amy Tan
Matt Mead I didn’t vote for President Obama, but I think he is our president, and I like and dislike decisions of any president in office. – Matt Mead
Brad Tavares Do I have any issues with Chris Weidman? No, I do not. But do I think for a second that guy wants to take it easy on me and doesn’t want to hurt me if he has the opportunity? Hell no. It’s the fight game. – Brad Tavares
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