Jon Watts Clown’ started as a fake trailer for a nonexistent movie. – Jon Watts Clown Quotes Fake Quotes Movie Quotes Nonexistent Quotes Started Quotes Trailer Quotes Welcome to the Dollhouse’ is great. Even though it’s about a girl in middle school, to me, that feels like the most honest reflection of what being a kid around that age feels like. I only realized I could potentially make movies after seeing ‘Ed Wood.’
Molly Antopol In a sense, any story that anyone writes is going to be autobiographical – whether it deals directly with the author’s experience or not – because it captures what we’re obsessed with while working on that particular piece. – Molly Antopol
Anthony HechtPoetry There’s not a good poet I know who has not at the beck and call of his memory a vast quantity of poetry that composes his mental library. – Anthony Hecht
Neil Gaiman Continuity isn’t actually something that I ever worry about. You use it where you need to, and you don’t use it where you don’t need to. – Neil Gaiman
Grayson Allen Competitiveness that I’ve had as a player, competitiveness that was pointed in the wrong direction and went over the line. It’s obviously something that I needed to work on and address. – Grayson Allen
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