Michael Chiesa Colby Covington is a nightmare match-up for me, but I’m ready to walk through the fire. – Michael Chiesa Colby Quotes Covington Quotes Matchup Quotes Nightmare Quotes Ready Quotes Walk Quotes I had never fought a guy before that I had put on a pedestal the way I did with Carlos Condit. I’ve got his walkout shirt. He’s a former champion. I’m a huge fan. I doubted myself a lot of times. I only want to fight Top 5 guys. I’m here to be a champion.
Sushant Singh Rajput I have seen extreme lows because of factors that were not in my hands – be it not having money to buy my first bike, dropping out of a prestigious engineering college without having a single rupee in my bank account, living with seven boys in a single-room kitchen in Mumbai, or eating nothing but khichdi every day. But I cherish all those moments. – Sushant Singh Rajput
Andrew Denton You can (be a middle-aged comic) if you work very hard at it, because comedy is really hard. – Andrew Denton
NagarjunaNature Things derive their being and nature by mutual dependence and are nothing in themselves. – Nagarjuna
Big KRIT It seems like music gets put in this hub where you have to rap about this, and the minute you do something else, it’s like you changing. Nah, I’m being creative. – Big KRIT
Nimrat Kaur I like the idea of not having a definition of love and romance. The greatest love stories have been about people who haven’t come together. More stories like that need to be explored. – Nimrat Kaur
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