Henry Giroux Collective freedom is one devoid of material bondage and one that supports the institutions necessary for democracy. – Henry Giroux Bondage Quotes Collective Quotes Democracy Quotes Devoid Quotes Freedom Quotes Institutions Quotes Material Quotes Supports Quotes Angela Davis’s legacy as a freedom fighter made her an enemy of the state under the increasingly neoliberal regimes of Nixon, Reagan and J. Edgar Hoover because she understood that the struggle for freedom was not only a struggle for political and individual rights but also for economic rights. Power is never so overwhelming that there’s no room for resistance.
Sandra Cisneros In my youth, daydreaming nurtured me, provided a safe haven. I’d sleep for twelve hours and even when awake escape to the safe place in my mind. – Sandra Cisneros
Jennifer Saunders I remember when the first police scary video thing came out, and you thought, wow, ooh, look at this, come and look, come and look. And now it’s on every channel. – Jennifer Saunders
Chris Lilley You feel the pressure of going to university because you need a back-up plan, which is why I enrolled. – Chris Lilley
Atif Aslam I have never composed a song keeping in mind that I should touch any social issues. – Atif Aslam
Pamela Druckerman Early childhood offerings vary, but everywhere in Europe and in Canada, they’re far more generous than in the United States. Ukrainian dads may not change enough diapers, but their government offers paid maternity leave; practically free preschool; and per-baby payments equivalent to eight months of an average salary. – Pamela Druckerman
Bray Wyatt When I say things, when I speak on television, I’m not making stuff up. I’m not, like, sitting in the back with a notepad thinking, ‘Maybe this will make them think I’m crazy’. That’s how I really am, you know? My views on this and that, which I really don’t want to delve into, but my views are that of the real me. There is no character. – Bray Wyatt
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