Fred Kaplan Colonel Roosevelt’ is compelling reading, and Morris a brilliant biographer who practices his art at the highest level. – Fred Kaplan Art Quotes Biographer Quotes Brilliant Quotes Colonel Quotes Compelling Quotes Level Quotes Morris Quotes Practices Quotes Reading Quotes Roosevelt Quotes In his life, Charles Dickens was like the rest of us, but maybe more so: another poor and wonderful soul attempting to deal with his and the world’s pain and confusion in the best way he knew how. Reading Edmund Morris’s ‘Colonel Roosevelt’ is a rewarding journey, as it must also have been for its author, who concludes his three-volume saga begun in 1980 with publication of ‘The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt.’
Cameron Dallas I’m from San Bernardino, California. It’s, like, all cows and dairies and very open. – Cameron Dallas
Ernest Gaines Sometimes you got to hurt something to help something. Sometimes you have to plow under one thing in order for something else to grow. – Ernest Gaines
Freddie Ljungberg I break out in a rash if I go to the gym; all I did was shave my chest. – Freddie Ljungberg
Benjamin Percy I grew up on genre. If it had a dragon on the cover, I was interested. But horror, especially, really gripped me in its bony fist. – Benjamin Percy
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