Scatman Crothers Color don’t mean nothin’. ‘Cause we’re all God’s children. – Scatman Crothers Children Quotes Color Quotes Gods Quotes Nothin Quotes I love people. You’ve gotta keep that love in your heart for your fellow man. Color don’t mean anything. People gonna try to put you in a place one way or the other.
Aimee Lou Wood As long as what you’re offering up is authentic you’ll always be interesting. – Aimee Lou Wood
Claire Scovell LaZebnikFamous I’m a novelist who read a lot as a kid. When you grow up on books and then grow up to write books, famous authors are a lot more meaningful to you than TV and movie stars. – Claire Scovell LaZebnik
ArchitectureThomas a Kempis The loftier the building, the deeper must the foundation be laid. – Thomas a Kempis
Maryanne Wolf Focused reading is so important, and I’m just as guilty as everyone. I have to force myself to slow down, often printing things out or using print as a medium for things that are most important or for things whose beauty would be lost if I use other modes of reading. – Maryanne Wolf
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