Christopher Buckley Coming to terms with Donald Trump as the Republican nominee is like being told you have Stage 1 or Stage 2 cancer. You know you’ll probably survive, but one way or the other, there’s going to be a lot of throwing up. – Christopher Buckley Cancer Quotes Coming Quotes Donald Quotes Lot Quotes Nominee Quotes Republican Quotes Stage Quotes Survive Quotes Terms Quotes Throwing Quotes Told Quotes Trump Quotes The cliche in American politics is that one week is an eternity. My wife and I spent the winter in Worcestershire. This allowed me to tell everyone back home in the States, ‘We are wintering in Worcestershire.’ This may be a sentence that has never actually been uttered in human history, even by people who spend all their winters in Worcestershire.
Robert Gottlieb Paris, as always, is swarming with Americans, and these days, it’s also swarming with hamburgers. Oddly, though, it’s not typically the Americans who are pursuing the perfect burger on the perfect bun with the obligatory side of perfect coleslaw; the Americans are pursuing the perfect blanquette de veau. – Robert Gottlieb
Russell M Nelson Our Heavenly Father loves you. He has created you to be successful and to have joy. – Russell M Nelson
Ray Stannard Baker Every argument on lynching in the South gets back sooner or later to the question of rape. – Ray Stannard Baker
John C Calhoun There is no direct and immediate connection between the individual citizens of a state and the general government. The relation between them is through the state. The Union is a union of states as communities and not a union of individuals. – John C Calhoun
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