Chade-Meng Tan Compassion is so pure, I don’t think there is any way to taint it. – Chade-Meng Tan Compassion Quotes Pure Quotes Taint Quotes I was always very different from the other kids. I have an I.Q. of 156. I didn’t play sports. I thought big. I thought I could achieve great things. I don’t want to sound megalomaniac, but my whole life is about doing something for the world, from as far back as I can remember. If you had to pick between being moral and successful, obviously I’d choose to be moral. However if you can choose both, will you choose both? I’d say definitely.
Chelsea Cain I finished ‘Heartsick’ with my daughter asleep in her bassinet by my desk, a feat that any new mother will tell you cannot be sufficiently praised. – Chelsea Cain
ChanceHerbie Hancock I got a chance to work with Miles Davis, and that changed everything for me, ’cause Miles really encouraged all his musicians to reach beyond what they know, go into unknown territory and explore. It’s made a difference to me and the decisions that I’ve made over the years about how to approach a project in this music. – Herbie Hancock
Orianthi My dad used to listen to Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton, and my mom liked Michael Bolton and Roy Orbison. She was pretty big into country music, too. So there was a wealth of music being played in the house, and I kind of took it all in. – Orianthi
Kevin Kwan There’s so much emphasis on the economic might of China, of Southeast Asia, Asian ‘Super Tigers’ and things like that. But nobody was really looking from the perspective of a family story, of these individuals. – Kevin Kwan
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