Paul Weyrich Conservative talk radio works because there are lots of conservatives who are convinced that they are not getting the whole story from the regular media. – Paul Weyrich Conservative Quotes Conservatives Quotes Convinced Quotes Lots Quotes Media Quotes Radio Quotes Regular Quotes Story Quotes Talk Quotes Despite being able to demonstrate a very large audience, major advertisers at first wouldn’t touch Limbaugh. CAIR officials or former officials have been arrested on charges related to terrorism yet all it offers is silence and stonewalling in discussing what are its real motives.
Nita Ambani When my kids were very young, I have seen them crying, as they didn’t want to go to school. – Nita Ambani
Neeraj Kabi If the way I’ve performed a scene isn’t to the director’s liking, I discuss it, try to understand why he doesn’t like it, and incorporate the suggestions. But sometimes I also take a very strong stand. – Neeraj Kabi
Dick Fosbury I didn’t train to make the Olympic team until 1968. I simply trained for the moment. I never even imagined I would be an Olympic athlete. It always seemed to evolve. – Dick Fosbury
Sulli There were times when close people… Some of my closest friends have left me. People hurt me, so everything fell apart. I didn’t feel like I had anyone on my side or anyone who could understand me. So that’s why I completely fell apart. – Sulli
Niklas Zennstrom I try not to dwell on big mistakes but to move on when I make a mistake. I make mistakes most of the times and that’s part of the risk profile being an entrepreneur. I guess one big mistake I did was not to start my own company earlier. I spent nine years working for others before starting Kazaa in 2000. – Niklas Zennstrom
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