Paul Craig Roberts Corporations and Wall Street in pursuit of short-term profits have given the economy away. – Paul Craig Roberts Corporations Quotes Economy Quotes Profits√¢ Quotes Pursuit Quotes Shortterm Quotes Street Quotes Wall Quotes The American people and the entire world need to understand that the threat to life on earth resides in Washington and that until Washington is fundamentally and totally changed, this threat will remain as the worse threat to life on earth. The Soviet Union was a partial check on capitalist looting in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. However, with the Soviet collapse, capitalist looting intensified during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama regimes.
Greg Rucka Your ability to name every single variation of Kryptonite and every first issue in which it appears is a great pop quiz skill, but is not a great writing skill, all right? So just because you can do that doesn’t mean you know how to write. – Greg Rucka
Judith Viorst I actually sat down and started three Alexanders at the same time. Two of them went in the trash and got stomped on because I hated the idea so much. And the one I came up with, I got very excited by. And that’s ‘Alexander, Who’s Trying His Best to Be the Best Boy Ever’. – Judith Viorst
Benny Green I think there’s a natural chemistry between us as friends; and there’s really no separation between the rapport that we feel when we’re in conversation and when we’re playing music, it’s one in the same. – Benny Green
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