Matthew Scully Cost-saver’ in industrial livestock agriculture may usually be taken to mean ‘moral shortcut.’ – Matthew Scully Agriculture Quotes Costsaver Quotes Industrial Quotes Livestock Quotes Moral Quotes Shortcut Quotes Religious people… hold a kind and merciful view of life, the faith of the broken, the hounded, the hopeless. Yet too often, they will not extend that spirit to our fellow creatures. Veal, by definition, is the product of a sick, anemic, deliberately malnourished calf, a newborn dragged away from his mother in the first hours of life. Veal calves are dealt the harshest of punishments for the least essential of meats.
Eddie Marsan If you’re confident, then it helps you live up to your potential, but if you believe because you went to a certain school it means you’re entitled to have a particular career, you’ll fall flat on your face eventually. – Eddie Marsan
CourageFearRonda Rousey People say to me all the time, ‘You have no fear.’ I tell them, ‘No, that’s not true. I’m scared all the time. You have to have fear in order to have courage. I’m a courageous person because I’m a scared person.’ – Ronda Rousey
Eddie Hall My workouts are based on very heavy, fast movements using weights, the science behind it being that the faster you move a weight, the more fast twitch fibres you rip and then repair. – Eddie Hall
David Nutter Sometimes, when actors reach out to their characters, they’re nowhere in sight. They need to find something inside of them. And then the characters are right there. As a director, I want them to find the character that’s already inside them, instead of trying to manufacture or manipulate or make something up. That’s not really honest or true. – David Nutter
BrainyEzra Koenig If kids and teenagers can get into a band, it’s probably not because they think it’s brainy. – Ezra Koenig
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