Alexander Armstrong Countdown came about at a time when we’d just had our first baby, and, if I’m entirely honest, it looked like an income – a salary – something I’d never had before. – Alexander Armstrong Baby Quotes Countdown Quotes Honest Quotes Income Quotes Looked Quotes Salary Quotes Time Quotes I’m the youngest of three children. We lived beside a big beech wood, on the edge of the moors, in Northumberland, which was enormously good fun. I don’t know about scared, but ‘Chernobyl’ definitely made me deeply uncomfortable. Almost addictively uncomfortable: don’t know what that says about me. But I came to love the tatty Soviet brutalism of it.
PositiveSilvan Shalom We would like to ease the life of the Palestinians. I prepared a new plan that we call a positive agenda. – Silvan Shalom
Iris Apfel I don’t do very much for beauty. I use very simple things on my skin. I haven’t got time. I would always get facials and then come home laden with product, and pay a lot of money and never use it. Anyway, one day a dermatologist told me to use Cetaphil to clean my face and as a moisturizer, and that’s what I do. – Iris Apfel
James Holzhauer If you believe in yourself, you don’t have to do things the same way everyone else is doing it. – James Holzhauer
Patti Davis There is a version of Alzheimer’s which is early onset Alzheimer’s. And it’s – it’s horrible, because people do get it in their 50s and 60s. And it’s terrible. – Patti Davis
Bill Richardson I’d like to see that bipartisanship come back that we used to have in the House of Representatives, in the Clinton years. I think there’s a possibility that the voters are going to send the message that everybody running – Congress, the Senate, the presidency – that they want us to come together. – Bill Richardson
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