Ann Reinking Dance saves lives. – Ann Reinking Dance Quotes Lives Quotes Saves Quotes Dance is such a wonderful, universal expression, even if the bugle beads are wrong. You have to have tunnel vision as a dancer to get to where you’re going. But once you get there, you have to save yourself by spreading your horizons. It’s the paradox of this profession. The very thing that makes you very good will destroy you.
Devon CajusteFitness I’ve got to get my cardio up. I’m usually known as the fitness guy on the Stanford team, but not 70 to 80 plays a game, so I’ve definitely got to step that up. But I’m all about it. – Devon Cajuste
Candice Accola I’m more obsessed with the idea of vacation than any one particular vacation spot. I love to explore new places and cultures. – Candice Accola
Lucio Tan Education is popular but very low standard. No wonder the Philippine economy is bankrupt. – Lucio Tan
Stacey D'Erasmo My books – I kid you not – are very often shelved between DeLillo and de Sade. Which not only completely cracks me up, but it seems like an encouraging message from the universe: between those two, there’s a lot of wiggle room. I feel just fine there. – Stacey D’Erasmo
John Lee Hancock Whenever a film has three different release dates, people understandably assume that there must be something wrong with it. – John Lee Hancock
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