Madeleine Stowe Daniel was a wonderful and trustworthy partner. And a fine prankster as well. – Madeleine Stowe Daniel Quotes Fine Quotes Partner Quotes Prankster Quotes Trustworthy Quotes Wonderful Quotes We were all so different, temperamentally from one another, it’s impossible to believe that we were together for so long. The cast and crew. How could we be more different from one another? It’s difficult to imagine. But something lovely came of it. There were mornings in the make-up trailer where I’d have fits of laughter because of the extraordinary daily events of the shoot. Sometimes, it was all too much to believe. But the wildest things happened.
Edgar Wright If you ever watch police chases on, like, helicopter cams, they very quickly become nightmarish when you start to see the police coming in from the edge of the frame. I always find that terrifying. – Edgar Wright
Emir Kusturica I know it is crazy, but I want to create a place where people can come in an organised way to think differently, to think their own thoughts. – Emir Kusturica
Kiana TomWisdom True wisdom listens more, talks less and can get along with all types of people. – Kiana Tom
Harry Dean StantonWisdom You want people walking away from the conversation with some kernel of wisdom or some kind of impact. – Harry Dean Stanton
Ray Romano I don’t want to say work is who I am, but some people feel more centered and more whole when they’re producing and creating. – Ray Romano
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