Bernard Law Montgomery Decisions! And a general, a commander in chief who has not got the quality of decision, then he is no good. – Bernard Law Montgomery Chief Quotes Commander Quotes Decision Quotes Decisions Quotes Quality Quotes I was well beaten myself, and I am better for it.
Imelda May I remember once doing a gig in Ireland, and there was a woman jumping around and screaming, ‘I don’t know what this is but I love it!’ I thought that was a nice compliment. – Imelda May
Sarah Lacy A lot of the books that have been written about Silicon Valley are really good. Michael Malone’s books are incredible. I think his ‘Infinite Loop’ is the best book that’s been written about Apple. – Sarah Lacy
Maggie Rowe My spiritual evolution I would describe as journey from literalism to figuratism. I now see all religious texts as pointing to an ineffable truth. – Maggie Rowe
Markie Post I’m no sexual siren. I see prettier girls than me in the grocery store every day. – Markie Post
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