Aaron Allston Definition of ‘Free’: You pay for it whether or not you elect to receive it. – Aaron Allston Definition Quotes Elect Quotes Pay Quotes Receive Quotes Any sufficiently badly-written science is indistinguishable from magic. When all else fails, complicate matters.
Mehdi Hasan Anti-Semitism isn’t just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it’s routine and commonplace. – Mehdi Hasan
Jagapathi Babu When I played the lead actor, it was a stressful job right from the starting to the release of the film. I even used to put in money from my pocket for a few films. But once I accepted the negative role, filmmakers started writing different kinds of roles for me. – Jagapathi Babu
R J Cutler I first thought about doing a project about Anna Wintour and ‘Vogue’ when I read an article in ‘New York Magazine’ about the Metropolitan Museum Costume Institute Ball, the annual fundraising gala that Anna oversees. It created such a fascinating portrait that I couldn’t help but be compelled. – R J Cutler
Loni Love At my job, my manager had a massive heart attack; we had layoffs. It made me realize that nothing is certain, nothing is for sure, and if I’m going to make a move, I gotta make a move now. – Loni Love
Alexandra Kosteniuk A woman can beat any man; it’s difficult to imagine another kind of sport where a woman can beat a man. That’s why I like chess. – Alexandra Kosteniuk
DadHomeSadiq Khan I grew up on a council estate in south London; my dad was a bus driver and my mum sewed clothes to bring in extra money. My parents worked hard and were able to save up and buy a home for our family. – Sadiq Khan
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