Romano Prodi Democracies must have equilibrium… and the entanglement of politics and information must be minimized. – Romano Prodi Democracies Quotes Entanglement Quotes Equilibrium Quotes Minimized Quotes Politics Quotes The problem of Italy is not really a question of age. Japan has an older population, and it is now in full economic recovery. The problem is that Italy is old in the structure of the society. No one wants to lose their job, or cede the power they’ve acquired.
Ashley Wagner I’m vicious. I can be nice off the ice, but on the ice, that’s not where it’s time to make friends. – Ashley Wagner
Aron Ralston If you want someone to show up and help you if something bad happens, you’d better tell someone where you’re going. And of course I wanted someone to know – but I’d made a choice and it was a choice I was going to have to live with. – Aron Ralston
Friedrich Schleiermacher No God without a world, and no world without God. – Friedrich Schleiermacher
Christopher A Wray We know that terrorism can happen anywhere, at anytime. And we know the best way to prevent an attack is by working together. – Christopher A Wray
Jon M Chu I get a lot of emotion from my family and my friends. I think it’s just communicated in a different way. When my family feeds me, they’re saying they love me. They pick me apart to show that they care. One look from my mother says so much. – Jon M Chu
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