Amber Valletta Design shouldn’t have to take a backseat to sustainability and making things responsibly. – Amber Valletta Backseat Quotes Design Quotes Responsibly Quotes Sustainability Quotes Sometimes it feels like it hurts when you make a big purchase, so I really believe that the more expensive things should be gems that you keep in your closet, not trends. It’s essential to feel beautiful to oneself. Not in an egotistical way, but in a self-loving way.
Chris Young I played a funeral convention once. York Casket Company pays well, in case anyone’s wondering! – Chris Young
Donna Tartt The books I loved in childhood – the first loves – I’ve read so often that I’ve internalized them in some really essential way: they are more inside me now than out. – Donna Tartt
Lee Hyeon-seo I believe I’ll see the reunification of North and South Korea in my lifetime and that defectors should play a role in rebuilding the country. In the long run, I want to return to North Korea, because that’s where I belong. – Lee Hyeon-seo
Freddie Fox My favourite film is ‘Tootsie.’ I suppose that’s because it’s very much about my industry and I love all the jokes, albeit a slightly bygone age of the 1980s, a world that I really understand. – Freddie Fox
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