Johnny Knoxville Doctors have told me I have a high pain threshold, but I can only know what I feel. I think I’m good at minimising the pain and being indifferent to it. – Johnny Knoxville Doctors Quotes Feel Quotes Indifferent Quotes Minimising Quotes Pain Quotes Threshold Quotes Told Quotes Everyone gets hurt, but I’ve probably had the most injuries. I’m so uncoordinated, I can’t really do that much, so my specialty is standing in one spot or holding on to something, like an exploding rocket or a jetski.
Phil Rudd There’s a couple of fills on the ‘Head Job’ album. The title track sounds huge, I love it, and there’s a few fills in there. – Phil Rudd
Florian Munteanu Creed 2′ was amazing and it felt very familiar, that boxing environment, being on the streets in Philly and everything, that was nice. – Florian Munteanu
Brian J Smith You get so close, a lot of close calls, and then it just doesn’t happen. That’s just the way the industry is. It’s very difficult. – Brian J Smith
BeautyHalsey I consider myself someone who takes a lot of beauty risks, and I’ve realized what I liar I am. I change my hair a lot, from blue to blonde to bald, but I’m trying to branch out a little more with makeup. – Halsey
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