John Guare Does the New York City Ballet affect other places? Yeah, it lets people know they should come to New York. – John Guare Affect Quotes Ballet Quotes City Quotes People Quotes Yeah Quotes York Quotes However, the moral center of New York City, I believe, is the New York City Ballet. Does any art have a practical value? People love to talk about how expensive a painting is. That’s the only way we can talk about paintings in this century.
Dakota Meyer Business is just like sports: if you’re the best in the group that you run in, you’re never going to get any better. It’s the same thing in business. I surround myself with people who are smarter than me and have more experience than me, and I have gotten a lot of great advice. – Dakota Meyer
John Edwards If we do the work that we can do in this country, the work that we will do when John Kerry is President, people like Christopher Reeve will get up out of that wheelchair and walk again. – John Edwards
Dawn Wells Just because a woman is over 50 does not mean she no longer has anything to offer. If anything, we have so much more to offer! We have lived life, we get better with age. I do my best work now in my 60s. Sure, I could retire; but what would I do? Play Bingo? I think not! – Dawn Wells
Kano You may think it’s weird working with a cartoon band but there are a lot of characters in grime, especially since the early days. – Kano
Mick Foley It’s much easier to see my son involved in creative than to see my daughter in the ring. But they’ve both worked really hard. I’m really proud of both of them. – Mick Foley
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