Ethan Coen Don’t bang your head against the wall about what you can’t do. – Ethan Coen Bang Quotes Head Quotes Wall Quotes I think some superstars feel they get trapped in their established screen persona over and over again. That’s what they get hired to do. Barton Fink is just too self-important as an artist to get much sympathy.
Joe Nichols When you find great songs, and somehow you get a spark in a little way, it can become brand new. – Joe Nichols
Mandira Bedi Raj and I wanted a sister for Vir. My son is eight and we are looking at adopting a girl who could be between two-and-a-half to four-years-old. We have already thought of a name for her. We are going to call her Tara. – Mandira Bedi
Emma Walton HamiltonFamily Stay strong. Stay true to yourself and to who you are because there is community out there. It may not be in your town or perhaps even in your family, but you are wanted and you are loved and there are places in the world where you will be safe and supported. – Emma Walton Hamilton
David Friedman Songwriting is the most terrifying thing to me, because you are really laying your heart out there. – David Friedman
Mary McCormack I eat anything, especially sweets. Chocolate, cookies, and I love mint-chip ice cream. – Mary McCormack
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