Brooks Atkinson Don’t be condescending to unskilled labor. Try it for a half a day first. – Brooks Atkinson Condescending Quotes Day Quotes Labor Quotes Unskilled Quotes The most fatal illusion is the narrow point of view. Since life is growth and motion, a fixed point of view kills anybody who has one. People everywhere enjoy believing things that they know are not true. It spares them the ordeal of thinking for themselves and taking responsibility for what they know.
Michelle Obama The notion that we have even one single veteran living on the streets should be just considered a travesty to all of us. – Michelle Obama
Ari Shaffir When Joe Rogan started his podcasts he’d have me, Joe Diaz, and all our friends help him for the first few. And I told him ‘Dude, no one will listen to audio that’s over an hour long. You’ve got to end it at 59:59 or less.’ And I was way wrong. – Ari Shaffir
Denis Lawson It’s unusual when you get scripts not wanting to change things – I’m one of those actors who writers must hate as I’m always wanting to rewrite or swap bits about. – Denis Lawson
Sarah Gavron I remember my grandfather believed women were second-class citizens and told my mother that it was a shame she had brains because she was a girl and shouldn’t carry on her education. – Sarah Gavron
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