Don Felder Don’t forget, Stephen Stills and I had a band in Gainesville called the Continentals when we were 15. And, of course, you had Lynyrd Skynyrd in Jacksonville. – Don Felder Band Quotes Called Quotes Continentals Quotes Forget Quotes Gainesville Quotes Jacksonville Quotes Lynyrd Quotes Skynyrd Quotes Stephen Quotes Stills Quotes There were about 400 heads of state from countries all over the world. I walked out and played ‘Hotel California,’ and everybody in the place gave me a standing ovation, and half of those countries don’t even speak English. I graduated from high school at 165 pounds, so twice a year, I get back to that number – I never let it get to 172-73. Then I go back to doubling the cardio. This week, I’m on a complete liquid diet, a juice fast. It keeps me lean and hungry.
Evan Peters Hotels are really scary. There are a lot of haunted ones in L.A. that I want to check out. So many people come in and out, and a lot of them can be dark. That dark gets locked in the hotel and stays there. – Evan Peters
Jenova Chen If a game is meant to be played by everybody, it deserves to be on multiple platforms so everybody can play it. – Jenova Chen
Kajol That’s what the sari is about. Everything is covered, yet a peep of an ankle can be a turn on for men. – Kajol
EnvironmentalRobert Collier People blame their environment. There is only one person to blame – and only one – themselves. – Robert Collier
Bernard Sumner I think New Order have got their own sound. But what we like to do is experiment, using dance music and other things. – Bernard Sumner
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