Luis Alberto Urrea During grade school, we moved to a white, working-class suburb in San Diego, and there were no Mexicans. – Luis Alberto Urrea Diego Quotes Grade Quotes Mexicans Quotes Moved Quotes San Quotes School Quotes Suburb Quotes White Quotes Workingclass Quotes A lot of our family was undocumented. My mom and dad were both super conservative. My dad had a green card; my mom was an Eisenhower Republican who did not approve of all the ‘illegal people.’ When I was a little boy in Tijuana, it was wonderland. We left when I was probably four – I was dying of tuberculosis.
Arunachalam Muruganantham Nobody in the society will talk about menstruation… it’s a taboo in my country. That’s why I’m branded by society as a psycho. – Arunachalam Muruganantham
Julie Andrews All careers go up and down like friendships, like marriages, like anything else, and you can’t bat a thousand all the time. – Julie Andrews
Bobby Lee You gotta understand, there are two different kinds of Asians – the kind who are good at school, obey their parents, go to college – that kind of stuff. And then you have my family – me, my brother, all of my cousins – we’re just wretched people. – Bobby Lee
Louis Navellier If you are a short-term trader, you have the right to come and go from our funds. – Louis Navellier
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