Luis Alberto Urrea During grade school, we moved to a white, working-class suburb in San Diego, and there were no Mexicans. – Luis Alberto Urrea Diego Quotes Grade Quotes Mexicans Quotes Moved Quotes San Quotes School Quotes Suburb Quotes White Quotes Workingclass Quotes A lot of our family was undocumented. My mom and dad were both super conservative. My dad had a green card; my mom was an Eisenhower Republican who did not approve of all the ‘illegal people.’ When I was a little boy in Tijuana, it was wonderland. We left when I was probably four – I was dying of tuberculosis.
Michael Rapaport I’m identified as a New York actor, I sound like I’m from New York, and I couldn’t be more proud of it. – Michael Rapaport
Kenneth H Cooper You have to run 75 to 100 miles a week if you expect to break the four-minute mile. – Kenneth H Cooper
Sue Bird I was probably 7 or 8 when I went to see the Bulls play and was able to see Michael Jordan. – Sue Bird
Emmanuel Macron If the U.K. wants a commercial access treaty to the European market, the British must contribute to the European budget like the Norwegians and the Swiss do. If London doesn’t want that, then it must be a total exit. – Emmanuel Macron
Mollie Hemingway From 2016 through 2020, the easiest way to achieve stardom on the political left was to loudly proclaim your belief that 2016 was an illegitimate election stolen by the Russians on behalf of a corrupt traitor. – Mollie Hemingway
Leon Day It would mean a lot to me to get into the Hall of Fame, to be grouped with some of the greatest players in history. – Leon Day
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