Luis Alberto Urrea During grade school, we moved to a white, working-class suburb in San Diego, and there were no Mexicans. – Luis Alberto Urrea Diego Quotes Grade Quotes Mexicans Quotes Moved Quotes San Quotes School Quotes Suburb Quotes White Quotes Workingclass Quotes A lot of our family was undocumented. My mom and dad were both super conservative. My dad had a green card; my mom was an Eisenhower Republican who did not approve of all the ‘illegal people.’ When I was a little boy in Tijuana, it was wonderland. We left when I was probably four – I was dying of tuberculosis.
Penny Johnson Jerald My moral obligation is to God. I won’t curse in God’s name. – Penny Johnson Jerald
Conchita Wurst As Conchita, I’ve got everything that I need to be glamourous and in the spotlight, giving interviews, doing photo shoots. And on the other side, there’s Tom, this shy, boring boy. And I love to be shy and boring when I’m in private. – Conchita Wurst
Annie Lowrey Many women are the lower-earning partner in a married couple, thanks in part to forces that relegate women to less remunerative professions and pay them less for the same work. – Annie Lowrey
Aidan Gallagher One of the things that interested me about Five was the trauma that was contributed via the apocalypse. I wanted to make sure that I got his PTSD correct. – Aidan Gallagher
Carrie Snow I believe the world is increasingly in danger of becoming split into groups which cannot communicate with each other, which no longer think of each other as members of the same species. – Carrie Snow
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