Ronald Coase During the two centuries since the publication of ‘The Wealth of Nations,’ the main activity of economists, it seems to me, has been to fill the gaps in Adam Smith’s system, to correct his errors and to make his analysis vastly more exact. – Ronald Coase Activity Quotes Adam Quotes Analysis Quotes Centuries Quotes Correct Quotes Economists Quotes Errors Quotes Exact Quotes Gaps Quotes Main Quotes Nations Quotes Publication Quotes Smiths Quotes Vastly Quotes Wealth Quotes There is no doubt that the recognition by economists of the importance of the role of the firm in the functioning of the economy will prompt them to investigate its activities more closely. What I have done is to show the importance for the working of the economic system of what may be termed the institutional structure of production.
Michael Eric Dyson I think that not only do saints make poor role models, they are incapable in one sense of identifying radically with those of us who are mere mortals. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s mortality says to us that here’s a figure who got up every day of his life facing tremendous odds and yet overcame them. – Michael Eric Dyson
Maggie Gyllenhaal A big part of being an actress specifically is feeling entitled to your artistic opinion, feeling that it means something, and being able to stand by it. – Maggie Gyllenhaal
Gurpreet Ghuggi Our governments have taught us that we should worship only two people – one is ‘chacha’ and the other ‘bapu.’ – Gurpreet Ghuggi
FaithLarry Gagosian Nobody really needs a painting. It’s something you kind of create value for in a way that you don’t with a company. It’s an act of collective faith what an object is worth. Maintaining that value system is part of what a dealer does, not just making a transaction but making sure that important art feels important. – Larry Gagosian
Harmony Korine When I started making movies, I was pretty young, and at the time I felt like there needed to be more confrontation in cinema – or I needed to make something more disruptive – so in the beginning, those movies were me wanting to play with the rules. – Harmony Korine
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