Letitia James Dysfunction in Washington has stalled any meaningful federal action on gun control. So it’s increasingly up to big cities like New York to take bold steps to get weapons off our streets and change the national discourse. – Letitia James Action Quotes Bold Quotes Change Quotes Cities Quotes Control Quotes Discourse Quotes Dysfunction Quotes Federal Quotes Gun Quotes Increasingly Quotes Meaningful Quotes National Quotes Stalled Quotes Steps Quotes Streets Quotes Washington Quotes Weapons Quotes York Quotes Under the not-so-watchful eye of ACS, children continue to die avoidable deaths. This is beyond unacceptable and betrays our moral conscience. New York City must divest the hundreds of millions of dollars we have invested in Walmart for far too long, dollars that are only fueling violence and undermining the greater public interest. Once our nation’s largest city does so, I know other states and municipalities will follow suit.
T Boone Pickens Natural gas is better distributed than any other fuel in the United States. It’s down every street and up every alley. There’s a pipeline. – T Boone Pickens
Allu Arjun There are two types of directors: the directors who take and directors who give. – Allu Arjun
Cesar Millan I have never met a dog I couldn’t help; however, I have met humans who weren’t willing to change. – Cesar Millan
Otto Schily The terrorists who committed the 2003 Istanbul attacks were locals, that is, Turks. And when filmmaker Theo van Gogh was murdered in the Netherlands last year, the murderer and his supporters were also part of the Muslim community. – Otto Schily
Ashwin Sanghi Admiration from my readers inspire me, and the only ‘formula’ I believe in towards making a good writer is: ‘to thine own self be true!’ – Ashwin Sanghi
Cupcakke Nothing’s holding me back. If I’m held back, the only thing holding me back was me. – Cupcakke
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